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Marble Surface



Hey :)

Can I just begin in saying thanks for tuning in?


I'm Liz! I'm just a girl in the world, documenting random content in one collective place. My friends will tell you that I always have a lot to say about anything (and arguable, nothing at all). Writing has always been a fantastc outlet for me.




Welcome to the collective and fantastic (maybe mundane?) culmination of experiences that I have oh so lovingly named The Human Condition Exhibition! I'll share some of my art, poetry, thoughts, experiences, and whatever else with you here. If you're into that, feel free to stick around <3​

Meet the Pup!

This is Lincoln Micheal, but I call him Link (Mr. President is also acceptable). He's half Siberian Husky and half white German Shepard. He's also got some gorgeous eyes (one eye is an icy blue, the other is a light gold-brown).


I rescued him in April of 2020 and we've been best buds ever since! He's a super shy guy around new people, but he is oh so friendly with other pups. He's my very best friend, see more of him in the Gallery! :)

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